Thursday, July 1, 2021

Using System.Collections.Generic.List of .Net as a parameter doesn't work well with X++ compiler

When using the .net dll in X++, I faced an error "Method 'MethodName(System.Collections.Generic.List`1, System.Boolean)' is not found on type 'ClassNameInDll'.
It was because the X++ compiler cannot parse the System.Collections.Generic.List of .Net in the parameter of the method "MethodName". In order to bypass this error, in X++ try to use "System.Collections.IList" or System.Collections.IEnumerable instead of  System.Collections.Generic.List

Debug in a Tier-2 (UAT) environment

 From time to time, you may have to debug a copy of the production database, but you are unable to export & import the DB to your dev ma...